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VMNP 005 - My (Slightly Embarrassing) Podcast Interview
Thanks to Dr. Rob Harter and the Nonprofit Leadership Podcast for having me on as a guest, but gosh I sounded kinda obnoxious |...
VMNP 004 - Hire a Videographer or Shoot It Yourself?
We're deep in the heart of Texas this week, preparing to speak to the Houston Association of Hispanic Media Professionals about smart...
VNMP 003 - Lessons from Oprah On Nonprofit Video
Michele returns for another guest host session, which is pretty awesome | Michele's kinda-sorta-obsession with everything Oprah | Are...
VMNP 002 - Turning Big News Events Into Your Next Video
We reveal our very latest nonprofit video | Meet my wife and co-conspirator, Michele | Michele really hates being in the limelight (but I...
VMNP 001 - Biggest Misconceptions About Nonprofit Video
What is Video My Nonprofit? | Video mistakes by both big and small nonprofits | Treating your YouTube page like a fine china cabinet |...
Video My Nonprofit
We're kicking off a brand new podcast -- Video My Nonprofit. From the beginning of Beyond Measure Media, most of our work has been on...
It's Time for Me to Stop Hiding Behind My Logo
Sometimes, I am really full of crap. It was only a week or so ago, I was bloviating to a room full of people in Louisiana, telling them...
Want to Make Sure No One Sees Your Video? Post it on YouTube
Do you have a great video about your organization, and want to make sure no one ever sees it? Perhaps you feel you simply have all the...
Does Your Video Give Viewers a Commercial or a Connection?
Well as usual, I was up against the clock to come up with eight (count 'em, eight!) "Pro Secrets for Creating Powerful Videos." I always...
Who Watches Long Videos?
When we started making videos professionally for clients, our first projects ran a little long, by today's no-attention-span standards....
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